The NRA has managed to become a powerful gun lobby and influencer of the gun conversation through their deliberate propaganda that targets and in many ways lies about the 2nd Amendment. In 1977, through a shakeup within the NRA, the organization went from a group of hunters and sportsmen to a strong advocate for the right to bear arms. Catering to strong gun advocates, the NRA was able to become a very powerful and influential organization. By aggressively advocating for gun rights, and preying on Republican congressmen with many pro-gun constituents, they were able to build up a foundation of support, which they have now expanded into one of the most powerful lobbies in Washington. Nowadays, they promote the 2nd Amendment, but only the parts …show more content…
From 1975 until the DC vs Heller ruling in 2008, the Firearms Control Regulations Act was in place, which banned residents of DC from owning handguns, automatic firearms, or high-capacity semiautomatic weapons. Since then, very little gun legislation has been passed at all. In fact, since the horrific Newtown shooting that occurred in 2012, not a single piece of legislation has been passed on guns. While conservatives might feel sorry for the victims, they realize that many conservatives, like Joe the Plumber (the Ohio workingman who gained prominence in the 2008 election), who once said, “Your dead kids...don’t trump my constitutional rights”, would stop voting for them if they tried to implement gun control policies. Many on the right claim that gun control is an effort not just to regulate guns, but to completely ban them. This is an effective scare-tactic used to get their constituents angry at the Democrats. But gun regulation and gun bans are two very different things. Data shows us that there are certain groups of people who should never be allowed to own a gun. This includes those who have prior offenses of violence, those who are mentally ill, suspected terrorists, and people who have children living in their home. However, there are people who can make a reasonable claim to needing a gun, and they shouldn’t be denied that right. For example, people in very rural areas, without much access to the protection provided by public safety officials should have the right to own a gun if they demonstrate they are able to use one properly. Also, hunters and people who have obtained restraining orders against those who have threatened them with violence might make a case for their right to own a gun. Most gun control advocates don’t want to take away guns from everyone, they
The debate over gun control has been raging through the American political systems for years. On one side, there is the National Rifle Association (NRA) and 2nd Amendment-citing citizens who use their firearms for hunting and self-defense. On the other, there is Handgun Control Inc. (HCI) and followers of the Brady Campaign who want to ban guns on the basis that they are dangerous. Both sides have strong arguments, anchored in historical precedent and statistical analysis. Anti-gun control lobbyists’ arguments include the guarantee of the 2nd Amendment, the definition of “militia” as any adult male, self-defense, the relative uselessness of permits and regulations, and court cases in favor of firearm possession. Pro-gun control activists
It is the oldest continuously operating civil rights organization in the United States. It was found in 1871 and it has informed its members about firearms related to the bills since 1934. Also, it was found to advance rifle marksmanship, the modern NRA continues to teach firearm competency and safety. There are 245 million adults aged over 18 in the United States. Between 73 and 81 billion adult gun owners in the United States and 5 million NRA members represent about 6 or 7 percent of American gun owners. This program is a nonprofit organization promoting gun safety and lobbying for its interpretation of the second amendment. The NRA reaches one million young men and women through educational programs, including 40,000 in the young hunters
“A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” These are the famous words drafted by the founding fathers into the Bill of Rights. This particular amendment has since then been a major part of American culture. Through the second amendment it has given American citizens freedom to buy firearms of any sort: AR-15s, AK-47s, handguns, and the like for self-defense. However, in light of the most recent mass shootings, people have felt that it is time to change if not regulate the freedom the second amendment grants. That is to say that some believe that there needs to be a solution to reduce if not end the gun violence in America by regulating and restricting the access to weapons meant for the police and military by American civilians. Ultimately, the solution to this social problem of gun violence in America is gun control. What is gun control exactly? From an extreme conservative's perspective, gun control is a means of disarming the public and infringing the right the second amendment grants Americans. What this point of view fails to take into account is that gun control is not about infringing on any right or disarming American civilians. It is about restricting the access and sales of deadly firearms to potential felons who have the capability of using them to commit mass murder. Furthermore, what some do not realize is that the second amendment was written in
The National Rifle Association is a very historic and well known organization which was founded in 1871. The NRA is widely known for protecting the second amendment of the constitution which is what gives people the right to keep and bear arms and very strong promoters of proper gun use. Sarah Horwitz, state’s that, “Today it is arguably the most powerful lobbying organization in the nation’s capital and certainly the most feared.”(Achenbach, Joel, Scott Higham, and Sari Horwitz) What makes the National Rifle Association so strong of an interest group is how they do not shy away from controversy on gun control which is also why their number of group members is so large and continues to grow year after year.
The NRA spends a large amount of money on lobbying in order to protect the peoples right to bear arms. A common lobbying technique they use is hiring former legislators and government official in order to gain access to policy makers through friendships and personal connections. According to the Journal of Political Science & Public Affairs the NRA spent $3,360,000 on lobbying in 2014 (Journal website). After the Sandy Hook Shooting took place the initial response from the government was to make the gun law stricter, but the NRA wanted no changes made. The NRA’s lobbyist seemed to have “persuaded” enough government official, because no change was made. Clearly the victims and their family member of the shooting were at a loss when the government failed to change any gun
Gun Control is robbing us of a human right. People are entitled to carrying and using guns wherever and whenever they want. Without guns, defenseless women have no way to protect themselves. Only leftists and hippies want gun control in our flawless country, and they’re ruining it for the rest of us gun-toting patriots. In A.W.R. Hawkins’ article “Gun Control: The Ultimate Human Rights Violation,” Hawkins makes a solid stand against gun control, and states that it “actually steals part of our humanity.”
Gun control is defined as the “regulation of the selling, owning, and use of guns” (“Gun Control” Merriam-Webster 1). Gun control is a heated topic that many Americans concern themselves with today after recent mass shootings. Suggested solutions are posed and debated between different viewpoints. The laws in existence today should be carried out and tightened before excess laws are passed. Many Americans have turned to face the issue of gun control after recent mass shootings like the one in Las Vegas or in some Churches. Some Americans with a more liberal view believe that tighter gun control laws should be enacted. More conservative Americans believe that the gun control laws already passed should be followed through. The gun laws that have already been passed should be followed through opposed to enacting new laws because many laws are already in place, gun control laws do not stop illegally obtaining a gun, and strict gun control laws have failed to prevent mass killings in countries.
The NRA is a major proponent of the second amendment. The Constitution’s Second Amendment states that Americans have the
Have you ever asked yourself, why do shootings occur even though gun control is strictly put into effect? Why does gun control violate our second amendment? Lastly, what is the whole purpose of gun control if it is not doing what it was meant to do? Gun control is a very sensitive topic now a day’s due to all of the mass shooting that have been occurring in these recent months. Gun control needs to exposed for not being able to actually take away all weapons off the street. Shootings are still occurring in places where guns are said to be banned or “Gun controlled”. We as a country should be able to realize that the black market is well known to sell guns without papers. So why would we give criminals the upper hand. Why must we feel like sitting ducks waiting to get taken down? Basically, what I am saying is that gun control does not help our cause. Sure, taking away guns is a good idea but, just like drugs they keep on being produced and found.
Supporters of gun control want more laws put in place to control buying and selling of firearms. They don’t believe having responsible, law-abiding citizens with guns makes anyone more safe. It is our constitutional right as Americans to bear arms. I agree with the opponents of gun control in that they believe “gun violence is the fault of the perpetrators of violent deeds, not the guns themselves” (Gun Control Laws). The saying has been repeated millions of times: Guns don’t kill people, people kill people. Society benefits from firearms in the hands of the right people, the responsible citizens who obtain their weapons legally. One alternative to gun control is law enforcement trying to get unregistered weapons off the street,
Gun Control are laws that are put in place to regulate and promote gun safety. Isn't that just plain common sense? "But we are the only advanced country on Earth that sees this kind of mass violence erupt with this kind of frequency."(Obama) Gun Violence is a problem that sadly has been embedded into our culture. But why? Guns have been part of culture since our arrival to the New World. Guns played a huge part in search for our independence as the Revolutionary war started with the first shots fired in Boston, MA. But, as time progressed guns began to do more harm than good. Gun violence is increasing as 89 people are victims of gun violence every day. But as soon as the horrible phantom is happening, groups such as the National Rifle Association
Throughout the history of the United States of America there has been debate on gun control. The debate has become even more relevant as more semi-automatic assault rifles are being sold and the amount of shootings we have been having, especially in this last month. There are a variety of views one can take on this argument. Many conservatives have been saying that more gun control is not necessary as it’s not the guns killing the people, it’s the people pulling the trigger that are killing innocent lives. On the other hand, people who are more liberal would like to see legislation passed that would put control on the sale of firearms as keeping weapons out of the hands of dangerous people who will willingly pull the
In America guns have been a part of the country’s society since it’s birth. Throughout history the citizens of the US have used firearms to protect the nation, protect their families, hunt for food and engage in sporting activities. The issue of Guns and gun control is complex. Weighing the rights and liberties of the individual against the welfare and safety of the public has always been a precarious balancing act. In the United States, gun control is one of these tumultuous issues that has both sides firmly entrenched in their positions. Those parties in favor of gun ownership and the freedom to use and keep arms, rely on the fact that the provision for such rights is enshrined in their constitution. In this climate of
Some Americans feel that because guns are already regulated in so many other countries, America should just follow suit, while others believe guns both represent and help guarantee our independence, our liberty, and our freedom to make our own decisions. The founding fathers anticipated that gun control could become a serious issue in the future, so they added the Second Amendment to the Constitution. The Second Amendment states: “A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.“ Most gun control activists focus in isolation on the beginning of the amendment where the founders wrote that a well-regulated militia is necessary to the security of a free state. They then try to argue that only the military or the National Guard should have access to guns, not individuals. In so arguing, however, they completely ignore the last part of the Second Amendment, which provides that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. The founders obviously envisioned that the people would keep and use firearms to protect themselves and their country. Unfortunately many politicians don’t see it that way. Yet, the Supreme Court has struck down firearm bans again and again. The 2008 Supreme Court case, District of Columbia vs. Heller,
“A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” The right of all Americans to bear arms is a right the Founding Fathers held to equal importance as the Constitution itself. Gun control laws directly violate this right and therefore should not even be under consideration. Even if that issue is overlooked, gun control advocates state that in order to reduce firearm related violence, gun control laws must be implemented to remove the violence caused by firearms. Although this may seem reasonable, the consequences of such laws are ironically counterproductive; they exacerbate the problem instead of fixing it. Besides the fact that the American