
Negative Influence Of The 2nd Amendment (NRA)

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The NRA has managed to become a powerful gun lobby and influencer of the gun conversation through their deliberate propaganda that targets and in many ways lies about the 2nd Amendment. In 1977, through a shakeup within the NRA, the organization went from a group of hunters and sportsmen to a strong advocate for the right to bear arms. Catering to strong gun advocates, the NRA was able to become a very powerful and influential organization. By aggressively advocating for gun rights, and preying on Republican congressmen with many pro-gun constituents, they were able to build up a foundation of support, which they have now expanded into one of the most powerful lobbies in Washington. Nowadays, they promote the 2nd Amendment, but only the parts …show more content…

From 1975 until the DC vs Heller ruling in 2008, the Firearms Control Regulations Act was in place, which banned residents of DC from owning handguns, automatic firearms, or high-capacity semiautomatic weapons. Since then, very little gun legislation has been passed at all. In fact, since the horrific Newtown shooting that occurred in 2012, not a single piece of legislation has been passed on guns. While conservatives might feel sorry for the victims, they realize that many conservatives, like Joe the Plumber (the Ohio workingman who gained prominence in the 2008 election), who once said, “Your dead kids...don’t trump my constitutional rights”, would stop voting for them if they tried to implement gun control policies. Many on the right claim that gun control is an effort not just to regulate guns, but to completely ban them. This is an effective scare-tactic used to get their constituents angry at the Democrats. But gun regulation and gun bans are two very different things. Data shows us that there are certain groups of people who should never be allowed to own a gun. This includes those who have prior offenses of violence, those who are mentally ill, suspected terrorists, and people who have children living in their home. However, there are people who can make a reasonable claim to needing a gun, and they shouldn’t be denied that right. For example, people in very rural areas, without much access to the protection provided by public safety officials should have the right to own a gun if they demonstrate they are able to use one properly. Also, hunters and people who have obtained restraining orders against those who have threatened them with violence might make a case for their right to own a gun. Most gun control advocates don’t want to take away guns from everyone, they

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