
Negligence Case

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The legal ramifications of this case include medical malpractice from the nurse, physician, and the hospital, a wrongful death lawsuit, and possible revocation of licenses of the involved parties. Basing on the Components of Professional Negligence as stated on Table 5.3 by Marquis and Huston (2015), the nurse and the physician are both guilty of malpractice. The physician wasn’t able to provide the best care, failed at meeting the standards of care, disregarded the possibility of the patient bleeding out after numerous attempts by the primary caregiver to inform her of the abnormals, and the patient died as a result of failure to assess the patient on a timely manner. Assuming that the nurse followed the physician’s orders and documented all of her observations and the physician’s responses to every inquiry the nurse made, he or she should have notified the charge nurse of the situation and follow the hospital protocol regarding instances like this. According to the components, the nurse is guilty because her failure of not acting on the perceived threat to patient safety has resulted in demise. Although the learning exercise did not mention any other available employee that could’ve helped prevented this case, the charge nurse, nurse supervisor, or nurse administrators who have not physically provided care for the patient may also be included in malpractice claims as a result of lack of leadership (Cooper, 2016).

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