
Neutralization And Drift Theory: Gresham Sykes And David Matza

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Neutralization and Drift Theory Gresham Sykes and David Matza’s neutralization and drift theory is probably one of my favorite theories. According to Sykes and Matza, most delinquents have the same values, beliefs and attitudes as those of honest citizens. Some juveniles, however, learn techniques that allow them to “neutralize” such values and attitudes for the time being .The main point of this theory is delinquents use a series of justifications to neutralize their deviant behavior. Also it proposes that juveniles sense a responsibility to the law. Sykes and Matza resembled their 'techniques of neutralization' to that of Sutherland's 'favorable definitions' to violate the law. Their five techniques of neutralization were denial of responsibility, denial of injury, denial of the victim, condemnation of the condemner, and appeal to higher loyalties. In the drift theory Matza believed that delinquency was due to a drift from non-delinquency to delinquency. He states that authorities …show more content…

Barbour claimed she killed 22 people in the past six years in Alaska, Texas, North Carolina and California. Barbour's sister had an explanation to why/who is responsible, "My mom made Miranda the way she is ... My mom has been a bad mom ... I just want to make it clear that it's not my sister's fault," she said. "She's not this monster on her own. It's come from someone else." Now I know the criminal who blamed someone else but it was another relative of the criminal. Anther example of denial of responsibiloy would be Susan "Sadie" Atkins. She was a member of the Manson “family. She was convicted of eight murders and sentenced to death, which the California Supreme Court briefly banned capital punishment. In “The Manson Women” episode it tells the life Susan had before and that the reason she became captivated with Manson was because of her

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