
New Orleans Super Bowl Analysis

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Only two cities can boast that they have had the unique honor of hosting 10 Super Bowls. However, of those two cities, the difference between New Orleans and Miami is that New Orleans has come back from insurmountable odds to rebuild and return to the caliber of city that can host a Super Bowl. While many have reaped the benefits of being the host city, none has squeezed the most out of the opportunity the way New Orleans has. From the economic boost to the infrastructure overload necessary to obtain a bid, New Orleans stands alone in that it came back from a natural disaster and got the most out of hosting the Super Bowl. Recently, New Orleans hosted the Super Bowl in 2013, three years after the Saints won Super Bowl XLIV, and also seven years after Hurricane Katrina ravaged the gulf coast. I will outline the various effects of being host to the world’s greatest single day of sport, specifically those factors that have made the city of New Orleans and the Super Bowl so intertwined after their most recent bid. Although what sets …show more content…

The same neighborhoods that received renovations and improvements were also targeted for service projects on Super Saturday of Service. Further, over 17,000 volunteers signed up to assist in game day operations such as greeting and guiding visitors for no pay. What is more important, however, is the effect of Super Saturday of Service. Volunteers fanned out across the city to give back and beautify New Orleans. Hike for Katrina, a nonprofit organization reached a huge milestone of planting their 20,000th tree. Keeping with the tree planting initiative, this day of service saw the most trees planted leading up to Super Bowl Sunday, with a whopping 7,000 planted. For a city ravaged by natural disaster, the beautification and reforestation of its surrounding areas via volunteerism are a pleasant step in returning to

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