
New Teacher Attrition Has Been A Concern Of Principals,

Decent Essays

New teacher attrition has been a concern of principals, school districts and hiring agencies for many years. It has become common behavior for teachers to make their exodus out of the field between the first year and the fifth years (Avant, 2015). According to the National Center for Education Statistics, 9.3% of teachers make an exit even before the first year is up (Certo & Fox, 2002; Sawchuk, 2014). These statistics are alarming and lead to further consideration to what degree new teacher retention impacts the profession.
According to Ludlow (2011) several elements were said to be leading teachers out of the field. Those elements included less than favorable working conditions, non-competitive salaries, a low level of preparedness and …show more content…

It was further noted that current trends in teacher preparation programs cite that traditional college teacher pre-service preparation programs are tackling the “changing risk factors that novice teachers” will likely face in their initial years. These forward thinking preparation considerations will contribute to the protective factors that will counteract the resulting stress that may be experienced by teachers (Doney, 2013). While this endeavor may help to better prepare the teacher with an education background, the teacher with alternative certification misses out on this safeguard.
Alternatively Certified for Teachers Program-ACT was introduced in 2004 to attract professionals from other careers and lead them to bring their skills into the classroom as teachers, it is not known if this express route to certification was helping or hindering longevity in new teachers (Rokita, 2014). A number of states, including Georgia, operate some derivative of the Alternative Certificate for Teachers Program or ACT. Created in 2004 as an initiative to attract professionals from divergent spheres of work to bring them and their accumulated skills into the rich and dynamic space of the classroom. (Sawchuk, 2013). The goal of these programs was to offer these professionals a greater level of

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