
News Reporting Bias Analysis

Decent Essays

People who watch the daily news usually don’t watch a variety of other news stations therefore whichever the station reports the news it usually tends to be biased. The truth can be obscure with all the biased views in media that's why it is important to learn how to tell the difference between the misleading information and truthful information. Due to this reason the viewpoints of a person can be biased due to the influence of biased news. Viewpoints such as those can be avoided if the truth can be detected easily, such as by simply watching several news stations with different stances in politics, and etc. Learning and studying the viewpoints of the different media outlets can help you understand what facts are actually true and which are …show more content…

What this quote is basically referring to is since people can’t spend too much time skim and scanning articles to find the truth in them. There is now outlets being created to help the viewers find the truth in journalism reportings therefore helping improve journalism because it is checking on journalist to make sure they don’t report lies due to their biases. McManus in his article talks about how now in modern days there is too much biased views in news and has lead to the creation of small news outlets that are online who try to report news but without all the biased writings. There are smaller news stations that focus on finding the truth and not being biased on their reporting but more of showing both views to a situation. Shows like these are appearing online nowadays such as one called The Young Turks. Although they seem biased they will help the viewer on detecting the truth from the lies in news by taking different viewpoints basically going through the trouble to find the truth in different reportings and just reporting the facts. One method people can use to determine the truth is by using the SMELL test. What the SMELL test is basically breaking down an article for a person to

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