
Niccolo Machiavelli's The Prince

Satisfactory Essays

In the story "The Prince", the author, Niccolo Machiavelli illustrates plenty of key points in what it takes to become a successful Prince. Machiavelli illustrates a true image of the unsympathetic reputation he has carried throughout the years. He explains his ideas on taking over a "free" state and how to take control and rule while still having the peoples respect. In chapter 5, Machiavelli claims that the key to taking over a free state is to destroy it at first. By destroying the city first, he believes that the people of the city will have no choice but to follow the direction of the new prince. He goes more in depth to say that if a prince does not destroy his own city initially, he is at risk of being rebelled against. I understand …show more content…

Although his actions were cold hearted and unjust, I believe that in many roles of political leadership, a person will have to be unsympathetic in many areas of ruling. Machiavelli was a leader who understood the human mind. With the great knowledge he has, he manipulates the people and makes them believe anything so that he is in the best possible position. There are a few people I know that have told me to do what I have to do to get to where I need to go. It's definitely some of the best advice I've ever received. Especially since the people who gave me this advice all turned out to be successful. Since then, my mind works more business orientented. If the citizens of the city are loyal to their prince they both will benefit mutually. If the city/state flourish so will the prince and he will gain more power. It seems like a cycle of you get what you want, and I get what I want, as long as what I say is done. Democracy in America is the rule of the people, but most of the people in America don't know much on political leadership. Machiavelli understood the place of a prince and the place of his people which he ruled. He knows what it takes to be a leadership and how to obtain the power earned. He also knows that most common people do not know what it takes to be a leader, which leads him to believe that those people

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