
Nick's Role In The Great Gatsby Essay

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Nick's role in F. Scott Fitzgerald novel "The Great Gatsby" was to give a "outsider's" perspective. Nick is originally from the Midwest yet moved to the west egg in hopes of being a bonds dealer. Being a part of this elegant and fake lifestyle is new to Nick causing his reactions and feelings to be more like the reader than someone else from the story like Daisy or Gatsby himself. Also, this is the reason that Fitzgerald makes it a first-person narration novel to give you more emotion towards those actions.Out of everyone in the story, Nick would be the most trustable. See, this society norm at the time was full of lying and deception towards others just for themselves to have friends. For example, in chapter 2 the reader is introduced to Tom's mistress Myrtle. Just a simple compliment she "rejected the compliment by raising her eyebrow in disdain"(pg 31) showing that she obviously showed that she does not like Mrs. McKee and even though she "sounded" that eyebrow was a giveaway that she was only being that way just to have another person to like her. On top of that Myrtle was not even a part of the egg's, …show more content…

An example of this is in chapter 3. Multiple people at the party were spreading rumors about what Gatsby was and has done. Yet, Nick kept quiet and just listen to what was happening instead of spreading rumors himself. Also, Gatsby himself cannot be trusted since he “asked (a lady’s) name and address inside of a week (she) got from Croirier's with a new evening gown in it,” showing that he thinks money will solve any problems. Nick, on the other hand, does not have enough of money to profusely spend it on friends. Yet, he also states how he “inclined to reserve all judgments” and here in chapter 2 he calls Mrs. Mckee as being “horrible” and he has not met her yet. Therefore, I will trust him for now since it is human nature to judge people and he has not, so far, done anything too

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