
Night By Elie Wiesel Analysis

Decent Essays

Almost every human being has went through a period of time in their life when their faith in god was nonexistent due to experience with hardship. The novel, Night, was written by Elie Wiesel to depict his ghastly experiences at a concentration camp during the holocaust. He goes through a number of changes when it came to his faith in God. Elie’s beliefs change from being deeply devoted to God to questioning his devotion to completely repudiating him. Throughout the memoir, there are very clear examples of Elie’s struggle with faith and religion. Elie was deeply devoted to God as he would dedicate his time studying the Talmud and praying at the synagogue every night. He dreamt one day that he could study the Kabbalah, the mystical teachings of the Torah. He has so pure and his love for God was absolute. When he is asked on why he prays, he replies, “Why did I pray? Why did I live? Why did I breathe?” (Wiesel 2). He speaks of prayer as if it’s something that is so fundamental to life and we can clearly see how strong his faith is. Elie eventually goes on to study the Kabbalah with the help of a teacher. He is taught that “Man comes closer to God through questions he asks him” (Wiesel 3). Elie is full of questions which displays his spiritual commitment.

Elie begun to question his faith shortly after arriving at the Auschwitz concentration camp. He …show more content…

Elie is asked, “Where is God”, and he answers, “Where is He? hanging here from these gallows” (Wiesel 62). From this point on, Elie struggles to even make a show of faith and his mind was now embittered. As I mentioned earlier, Elie’s faith was based on questions, not answers. This is when we witness Elie losing his faith in god when he is suddenly full of answers. Death surrounded him and instead of questioning where is god? He now feels that God has abandoned him along with everyone

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