
Night By Elie Wiesel: Literary Analysis

Decent Essays

There are hard times in life when you will feel like giving up, in some cases you have to find your inner strength and power to survive. Imagine the years 1933-1945 the period of the Holocaust genocide, and being involved in one of the many concentration camps. When faced with extreme hardships or challenges like this, many are somehow able to find the mental and physical strength necessary to endure.
In the book Night by Elie Wiesel, Elie went through the clamatity of concentration camps just at the age of 15 and was split up from his mother and sister, with the thought in his head that he could die at anytime. “Men to the left! Women to the right! Eight words spoken quietly, indifferently, without emotion. Eight simple, short words. …show more content…

Furthermore, the ghettos were set up to segregate Jews from the overall population. An immense majority of Jews in the ghettos had died from diseases, starvation or were killed. Initially, the last major ghetto was destroyed during the summer of 1994. “I speak of my first night over there. The discovery of the reality inside the barbed wire. The warnings of a “veteran” inmate, counseling my father and myself to lie about our ages: my father was to make himself younger, and I older. The selection. The march toward the chimneys looming in the distance under the indifferent sky. The infants thrown into fiery ditches…”(Night, 67) wrote Elie. Particularly, life wasn’t always the easiest for Elie and his father along with the ones with them in the concentration camps at this time. In particular, the term “Holocaust” originally came from the Greek word "holokauston" which means to "sacrifice by fire," refering to the Nazi's persecution plan to slaughter the Jewish people. Although, many refer to all Nazi camps as a “concentration camp”, there were numerous different kinds of camps, including concentration camps, extermination camps, labor camps, prisoner-of-war camps, and transit camps. Additionally, within the year 1940, the Nazi’s invaded Denmark, Poland, France, Belgium, Holland, and Luxembourg within the same year. The following year the

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