
Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech

Good Essays

Al Gore's speech titled “Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech” is a powerful work of literature which serves two purposes. The first purpose is stated in the title - to accept his award of the Nobel Peace Prize. The second intent he had when writing the speech was to reiterate his points that awarded him the honor in the first place. The speech explains his passion for the problem in our world that is the climate change and how much we pollute our earth. To give a short gist of what his cause was, the following quote offers much insight to the regretful aspect of our society that he is passionate about fixing. He says “So today, we dumped another 70 million tons of global-warming pollution into the thin shell of atmosphere surrounding our planet, …show more content…

His call to actions is for us to “choose between two futures.” He goes on to explain further by challenging the reader to challenge assumption as well as repetition. Challenging us to question the repetition that would eminently happen if we don’t unify and majorly change our actions. His persuasion is made very strong and hard-hitting when he says “we are standing at the most fateful fork in that path. So I want to end as I began, with a vision of two futures - each a palpable possibility - and with a prayer that we will see with vivid clarity the necessity of choosing between those two futures, and the urgency of making the right choice now.” Reading this quote gives the feeling of being very inspired and feeling empowered. That being said, I feel Gore should have given more concrete action that he proposes we take. He should have said things such as we should stop allowing every person to drive a motor vehicle as much as they please. If he’d said something along those lines, it puts a specific concern in mind and helps along the putting the reality of better, healthier world into fruition. He also could have proposed that perhaps every person who owns a vehicle be required to plant a tree once a year. His speech was powerful with lots of drawing of parallels, a lot of analogies, and many accounts of making associations. While he is lacking a concrete and specific remedy for our current situation, maybe it is okay. Perhaps all we need is to see that we do have a choice in how we can influence the world, and the rest is up to us to draw from the inspiration and coordinate our own, personal next move to attain the goal that has been

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