
Essay on Nonsense for APA Formatting

Decent Essays

This paper isn’t going to make any sense at all; it’s written just to practice APA formatting for various references and to practice various in-text citations. I can tell that this paper is going to be boring to write; therefore, it is probably going to be boring to read. Even so, it’s still good practice for future reference. The first type of references I’m using in this paper is two academic journals. I’m going online to find two random academic journals to do so. In the journal, African Journal of Business Ethics, Ogunyemi (2013) starts his writing with the quote, “Ethical reasoning is the process of arriving at moral judgements.” I have no idea of what else Ogunyemi writes about next. Nevertheless, another random academic journal …show more content…

Within the chosen book, the first statement is; “When I was little, my dad used to tell me, “Will, you can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose, but you can’t pick your friend’s nose.”” (Green & Levithan, 2011). I have no idea what this book is about; I just know it’s intended for a juvenile audience. Newspapers are widely used for information, so I’m going to cite one as well. The nearest newspaper to me is The Sun Star, and an interesting article in this newspaper is written by Kurtis Gosney. He states in his article that, “The UAF Men’s basketball team played in the annual GCI Alaska Invitational last Thursday…” (Gosney, 2012, p. 1), and I got bored of reading the article from there. Nonetheless, good job Nanooks for being champions. Speaking of champions, writing champions know how to cite websites in APA format! A website that is used by millions every day was first made possible by a person named Mark Zuckerberg; that website is known as Facebook. On the homepage of the website there’s a bold statement, “Connect with friends and the world around you on Facebook” (Zuckerberg, 2013). This website has been a breakthrough for social interaction on the internet.
A film is the last on my citation list, so let’s make it an awesome movie. Nothing is as awesome as Full Metal Jacket. In the beginning of the movie, a boot-camp officer actually makes a cadet choke himself with the officer’s hand, (Kubrick, 1987).

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