
Normalization Of Rape Culture In The United States

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Rape Culture is “an environment in which rape is prevalent and in which sexual violence against women is normalized and excused in the media and popular culture” (Understanding Rape Culture). The intentional and unintentional glamorization and trend in rape has increased dramatically since the beginning of the 20th century. Rape culture is now a concept that is institutionalized all throughout the world that makes the acts of sexual violence inevitable and indistinguishable from normal human ethics. The US is a country of Rape Culture because mainstream media excuses and creates an environment and society where this culture is normalized. Television, music, books, and even schools are filled with obstinate objectification of women’s bodies. Through the examples put forth by our society and media, males and females of all ages are taught that the subjugation of women is considered normal, and should be expected.
Our society trivializes and even condones sexual violence and rape. The shaming of victims that decide to speak up about their rape experience is a perfect example of the contradiction of the idea of Rape Culture that is …show more content…

Girls get sent home for wearing revealing clothing because it distracts other people from learning. Instead of teaching boys to respect women and not objectify their body, the girl gets put at fault. Supposedly, showing skin is a distraction to learning, but isn’t being sent off the school campus a distraction of learning as well? Putting girls at fault for something like their own body is wrong and degrading. Women are looked as only a sexual object these days and it’s disgusting. On television, it’s clear that women are only deemed a sexual presence because of the censorship that is shown. Instead of just censoring women’s breasts and not a man’s, the media should censor both or none at all. Gender equality is decreasing more than ever and double standards are

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