
Now By Wayne Waon Analysis

Decent Essays

As acclaimed author Yvonne Woon wrote, “Sometimes, you have to look back in order to understand the things that lie ahead.” Reflecting, or the act of thinking deeply about a moment from the past, the present, or the possibility of such an event in the future, is an important aspect of human nature, as it serves as a method of learning and as an example of evolution. By reflecting on the modern and historical world, we are able to obtain a deeper understanding of why and how certain things happen, and then decide whether or not we are satisfied with the environment in which we live. Contemplating all the decisions that have been made and all the different circumstances our ancestors have lived through, can serve as guidance for the future. …show more content…

All people are able to reflect on their life, the lives of others, and on the influence society has on our lifestyle, and doing so may have powerful effects on one’s state of being. In the Tempest, the self reflection by one man was enough to take him out of a dark and merciless place and allow him to move on from his treacherous past to be a better person. The Chosen teaches us a similar lesson, to think about and combat the path other people want you to take so that you can live the life you believe suits you best and will allow you to be the most successful. Amusement parks, an iconic staple of American society, reflects not only the freedom and entertainment oriented ideology, but also symbolize the problems of greed, the power of money, and a dangerously unhealthy food market. The music scene even serves as a method of reflection on the problems within society. The hidden messages within each song, whether it be to praise civilization or to critique its problematic ideals, are a way to clear the fog and allow others to contemplate the problems of which they had been ignorant of in the past. By just taking the time to think deeply and insightfully about the past, the present, and the possibilities of the future, you can mold your life and society into a more positive and promising place to live in. So, in a world filled with hate, greed, fear, and an abundance of power, such a simple action like reflecting, just might be enough to make a

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