
Nt1310 Unit 1 Case Study 1

Satisfactory Essays

Case 1A Although no one saw the incident morally I would do the right thing and wait for the owner of the car to come back. I would at least wait for a half an hour to see if the person whose car I hit by accident comes back. If for any reason the person has not come back to their vehicle, I would write down my information and place it in their windshield. Morally I feel that it would not be okay for me to ignore the incident that just happened. I was race in a family that taught me the principle of honesty. They taught me that if we ever do a mistake we have to face the consequences of our mistakes even if it was an accident. Although there was no damage to the car, I would still feel obligated to tell the person about the incident. If the scenario was to be turn around I would of want the person to do the same thing for me. …show more content…

Although, it was a mistake the hospital should feel obligated to inform the patient about the incident. I agree with the physician because it is the duty of a physician to reveal the truth because the patient has trusted her with his privacy. Not only is it morally correct, but as a future nurse to be so far we have learn that patients privacy is very important and people are counting on us as the healthcare profession to take care of them while maintaining their privacy. The first mistake that was done in this scenario is that the secretary should of double checked before sending the document. When faxing sensitive documents the person in charge of faxing should always double check that they have type the correct information. Not only is it important for them to tell the patient but they should also field an incident report. By feeling an incident report this will bring to the attention the situation so that in the future incidents like this one will not

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