
Nurse Practitioners Educational Requirements

Decent Essays

Imagine being in the 1950s and having health concerns, but the closer physicians is in the actual city, what would you do? Would you just gather your things to travel so a physician could give you bad news or just good news, but you still have to travel back to your home. Ever better, what is you had to see a physician for an emergency and you had to wait to see him because theirs other people waiting. Which was not only my concerns but the concerns of many patients, and the notice of these event is what springs wonderful career.
The birth of nurse practitioner dates back to as far as the late 1950s early 1960s. It was decided by physicians working together with nurses who experienced the clinically. This collaboration was brought up due to the population growth and the ratio of physicians to patients was decreasing. In 1965 the establishment of the first nurse practitioner program was founded.
For the year 2020 there is a projected shortage of physicians, a shortage of about 20,400 is estimated according to HRSA (Health Resources and Services Administration). Along with the shortage of physicians, nurse practitioners offer lower the cost of health-care which helps many patients.
Nurse practitioners need constant education. To obtain the title Nurse Practitioner one must first receive you RN (Register Nurse), then obtain a BSN (Bachelor in Science of Nursing) which takes about 4 years of both online and face to face lectures along with clinical hours. After completing the

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