
Nursing Research Utilization Project Proposal

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J Nurs Care Qual Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 6–12 Copyright c 2012 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Missed Nursing Care, Staffing, and Patient Falls Beatrice J. Kalisch, PhD, RN, FAAN; Dana Tschannen, PhD, RN; Kyung Hee Lee, MPH, RN Patient falls in hospitals continue to be a major and costly problem. This study tested the mediating effect of missed nursing care on the relationship of staffing levels (hours per patient day [HPPD]) and patient falls. The sample was 124 patient units in 11 hospitals. The HPPD was negatively associated with patient falls (r = − 0.36, P < .01), and missed nursing care was found to mediate the relationship between HPPD and patient falls. Key words: falls, missed nursing care, staffing P to 12% …show more content…

Although several national and professional organizations have developed evidence-based guidelines that set forth strategies for reducing falls,10,11 consistency in implementation of these strategies has been limited. Findings from 188 medical-surgical units in 48 hospitals across the United States found that risk-specific interventions (such as ambulation and medication management) are not being implemented consistently.12 This finding is in line with our research where we have identified that elements of nursing care are being regularly missed in acute care hospitals. We have conducted 3 studies of missed nursing care, the first being a qualitative focus group study on 5 patient units,13 the second a quantitative study in 3 hospitals,14 and the third, an expansion of the 3-hospital study in 10 hospitals with diverse characteristics (eg, size, teaching status).15 The results of these studies showed that a substantial amount of standard required nursing care is being left undone and that the patterns of missed care are similar across hospitals. Ambulation of patients 3 times per day (or as ordered) was the most frequently reported element of missed nursing care with 76% of nurses reporting this action being frequently or always missed. Similarly, Callen and colleagues16 found that 73% of patients did not walk during their

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