
Obesity Is The Condition Of Being Grossly Fat Or Overweight ( Google Search )

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The definition of obesity is the condition of being grossly fat or overweight (google search) The government really started fighting obesity in 2010, when the surgeon general and the first lady of the United States Michelle Obama started combating obesity and trying to lower it all across the country. Obesity is not only a issue of a person cannot stop eating. It has number of relations such low income families who cannot afford healthy food but instead go to a number of fast food restaurants around the city; also it can be an emotional issue where people go to it as a way to cope with the sadness happening in there life’s. This paper will state the way this issue can be tackled as a community so the battle that Michelle Obama started can …show more content…

At 32%, the rate of obesity in Brownsville is four times the rate in Stuyvesant Town and Turtle Bay.
Brownsville is a low-income community there aren’t too many resources where kids can learn about obesity. The kids and the parents cannot be educated in the dangers of eating poorly and how obesity will affect the kids long term. In order to start fixing these problems the community needs to start providing help to parents with low incomes. So the parents can prevent the kids from having a hard and difficult life, as most things when it comes to kids it always starts from the parents.
Third of the residents in Brownsville are obese, 40% drink at least one sugary drink a day which is considered the highest rate in the borough. This is in comparison to 13% Park slope and Carrol Gardens in which 16 % drink sugary drinks a day. Brownsville also has a 32% obesity rate compared to NYC, which is 24%, but the group that is affected by this horrible problem is the children. Selecting this population is important because not only are they the future but with the current adult population not being so good either and some being past the point of saving, we need to focus on the children. Therefore, the next generation that grows up has a better understanding and the willingness to fix the obesity issue. Health research has proven that obesity is the gateway problem to other major issues, one of which is heart dieses and

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