
Odysseus: An Example Of Batman As An Epic Hero

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First, let me define an epic hero from my point of view. From my point of view, an epic hero is someone who is strong, powerful, and keeps with the task at hand and finishes it. An epic hero is someone that encounters many obstacles, but pushes through those obstacles and gets things done. Batman is a modern day epic hero because he displays many of the qualities of an epic hero included above. He can be compared to Odysseus in many ways. Batman is powerful, has superior strength, and overcomes many obstacles. Batman is like an epic hero because he is very strong and powerful. Odysseus shows his mental strength and physical strength when he finds a way to escape from the Cyclopes. In the text it states in book 9 online, “Odysseus and his crew finally escape, having lost six men per ship. A storm sent by Zeus sweeps them along for nine days before bringing them to the land of the Lotus-eaters, where the natives give some of Odysseus’s men the intoxicating fruit of the lotus.” Odysseus shows that he is mentally and physically strong and powerful. Batman is equally as much of an epic hero as Odysseus was because Batman is and was very strong mentally and physically in all the comics and movies. …show more content…

The example piggy backs off the last example. The obstacle Odysseus overcame was escaping the Cyclopes and he did it very well. “Odysseus and his crew finally escape, having lost six men per ship. A storm sent by Zeus sweeps them along for nine days before bringing them to the land of the Lotus-eaters, where the natives give some of Odysseus’s men the intoxicating fruit of the lotus. ” This shows Odysseus overcame this obstacle. An obstacle Batman overcomes started when he was a child. When Batman was a child his parents were murdered and he chose to move on and protect his city. Batman and Odysseus are very similar in the fact they are very good at overcoming

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