
Odysseus As A Hero In Homer's The Odyssey

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When people think of Greek mythology, one of the first things that pop into mind are the supernatural beings, like Medusa, Cyclops, and the Gods. Odysseus is always in a constant struggle with them, where every island he visits hosts one after another of mythical beings that want to eat him and his crew. The Odyssey does a good job at showing how he struggles with these massive beasts, but they aren’t his only worries. The Odyssey is a comedic poem composed by Homer, a Greek rhapsode, who lived around 850 B.C, making this a very old story of a hero and his struggles. Odysseus has a tendency to hold onto character traits that aren’t that good for him in the long run, like his bulging arrogance and overwhelming curiosity. He doesn’t do much to change these attributes, though, putting his crew in erroneous positions that they do not want to endure, making the 10 year journey back home even more perilous than it was before. Odysseus cannot evade what he has brought upon himself, and it bites him back in the end. Odysseus has an issue with his curiosity, because he has gone places, intrigued by what they may hold, and then he ends up losing many men because he wandered on an island blindly. On Cyclopes island, Odysseus takes 12 men into the cave and leaves with 6 because he led them into a cave of Polyphemus blindly. It’s things like this that weaken his army, all due to him foolishly leading them into the unknown. In a world filled with mythical beasts, you do not want to do

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