
Odysseus As A Hero In The Odyssey By Homer

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Heros are never perfect, but their flaws are hidden behind courage, strength and selflessness. However, the same cannot be said for Odysseus. In the epic poem, The Odyssey by Homer, Odysseus, a renowned warrior who fought in the Trojan War, has yet to return home, even 20 years later. Monsters and the almighty Gods have stood in his way, killing his men, leaving him to be the lone survivor. Throughout this treacherous journey, Odysseus performs unthinkable acts of heroism and, contrarily, cowardice. All in all, Odysseus cannot be thought of as a hero. Odysseus’ greatest fault standing in his way of being considered a hero, is his selfishness. Odysseus puts himself before others making the mere act of being near him a threat to his crew’s and his own life.
Throughout the epic poem, Odysseus selfishly puts his own good before those around him, not only hurting his friends and crew but killing them in numerous instances. Near the beginning of the poem, Odysseus and his crew encounter a Cyclops' cave with a plethora of supplies. Odysseus’ eleven crew members advocate they should take some supplies and make a run for it, but Odysseus refuses and “wished to see the caveman [and] what he had to offer” resulting in “no pretty sight… for [...Odysseus’] friends” (Homer 818). Odysseus’ selfish nature ends the life of six of his twelve men and emphasizes Odysseus’ egocentric qualities. Not only does Odysseus refuse his own men, he also does not give them a chance to state their

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