
Odysseus As A Leader In The Odyssey By Homer

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In the novel, The Odyssey, the main character Odysseus is portrayed as a leader who must overcome a multitude of challenges. He is similar to Oprah Winfrey because of the struggles she had to overcome to get where she is today. Odysseus and Oprah share similar qualities as leaders, heroes and renown role models because of their strong desire to never give up. They are different because of their way of thinking and dealing with situations. Although people think Oprah is a more significant hero than Odysseus because of his flawed nature, Odysseus and Oprah are both brazen leaders because of their ability to use words and actions to empower the people around them. Odysseus is different from Oprah because he handles situations with his dionysian …show more content…

Odysseus influenced and empowered the people of Ithaca with his words and actions. He was a strong leader who could spread positivity throughout the region and people believed and followed his orders. Odysseus was on Calypso’s island for seven years, but eventually he had to tell Calypso that he had to continue on his journey. Calypso said, “Now I am willing, heart and soul, to send you off at last” (Fagles 5.178). Calypso sent Odysseus off after he influenced her to allow him to leave. Odysseus used his words and actions to finally leave the island of Ogygia. It took him several years, but after talking to the gods, he finally made his journey back to Ithaca. Odysseus used his actions in book nine by saving his crew members because they were being held hostage by the Cyclops... “Now, at last, I thrust our stake in a bed of embers to get it red-hot and rallied all my comrades: Courage-no panic, no one hang back now!’ (Fagles 9.420-422). This quote explains how Odysseus interacted with his crew and would sacrifice his life for his shipmates. Odysseus was a hero to the people of Ithaca because of his powerful words and bold …show more content…

With the use of their words and actions as heroes and leaders, they were both able to show dominance and strength in their society. Oprah inspires people with her words and empowers people to be kind and stand up for what is right. She uses her show to showcase and explain worldwide issues. “Over 20 million Americans view the program every week and is broadcasted to worldwide” (Oprah Winfrey). Over 20 million people watch Oprah’s show all over the nation and her words impact how people live daily life. Oprah has a strong voice that people like and respect. Oprah is involved in many efforts all over the country and her influence around the world is respected. She is an advocate for the weight watchers program, campaigned for President Barack Obama, and has fought for female empowerment and children's rights. Oprah puts her words into action by helping out with different charities and making many generous donations. “Winfrey announced she would follow the example George and Amal Clooney and donate $500,000 to the March for Our Lives demonstration scheduled March 24” (“Oprah Winfrey Biography”). Oprah is a philanthropist and would help people in need. With an evolving perspective on how to live her life, she was influenced by her poor upbringing and discrimination as a black women. She grew from her struggle and became a relatable figure to many in the

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