
Odysseus As An Epic Hero Essay

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What is a hero? A hero is someone who is portrayed as being brave, loyal, courageous, and of course having superpowers. But what is an epic hero? An epic hero is someone who always succeeds, is generous, loyal, a leader, has honor, encounters temptations and overcomes them, and makes it home to tell the tale. In the epic poem "The Odyssey" by Homer, the protagonist Odysseus is characterized as an epic hero because of his love of homeland, his intelligence when solving arduous problems, and his ability to be the only one to survive every issue thrown at him.
Odysseus can be described as an epic hero because of his love of homeland. During his time stuck on an island Homer describes Odysseus’ state as, “The sweet lifetime was draining out of him, as he wept for a way home… all the days he would sit upon the rocks, at the seaside, breaking his heart in tears and lamentation and sorrow as weeping tears he looked out over the barren water. (Hom. 152-158)” After 7 years of being stuck on an island Odysseus’ longing to be home overtakes him and he becomes miserable. His love for homeland is so strong he gives up a godess. This shows he would give up anything including his other temptations for his family and home. Another example of when Odysseus shows passion to get home is when he tells his men to not eat the Lotus. He says, “All hands aboard: come, clear the beach and no one taste the Lotus, or you lose your hope of home (Hom.86-88).” Eating the Lotus flower makes people not want to leave the Lotus island. Here, Odysseus states in order to return home, his crew should not eat the Lotus. This is important because he not only wants to return home, he wants his crew to return home. In addition, Odysseus uses his intelligence throughout the poem, and survives many situations without using his strength and relying on his smarts. For example, when Odysseus is trapped in the Cyclops's cave he uses his intelligence to outsmart the creature. “Nobody is my name. My father and mother call me Nobody, as do all the others who are my companions (Hom. 366-367).” Here, instead of telling the beast his real name, he uses the pronoun Nobody to trick the beast into telling the others there was no one there. Also, Odysseus uses

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