
Odysseus Hero Quotes

Decent Essays


“Heroes are ordinary people who make themselves extraordinary”, Gerard Way. This quotes represents the type of person Odysseus is from Black Ships Before Troy, he is not immortal and doesn't not have super strength, but he uses his intelligence to do amazing things. Odysseus was a very admirable hero, he was wise, valiant, and showed a deep regard for those that he cared about. Odysseus’s intellectual strength is very significant in the book Black Ships Before Troy. It leads to the very destruction of Troy and proud victory of the Greeks. There were many situations where Odysseus used his nimble mind to complete various tasks. For it was his idea to build the Trojan Horse. “Then Athene planted in Odysseus’ mind the seed of an idea: one of the cunning ideas for which he is famous. And he stood up and unfolded it to the listening greeks”, (Sutcliff 131). Without his very witty planning, the Trojan War may have dragged on past the ten years it took place. Odysseus played an immense role in this war. …show more content…

This another one of the traits Odysseus holds. He was never afraid to head straight into battle and fight for the Greeks. He possessed a strong confidence that helped him stay alive. There was no point where his perseverance broke and he gave up. He escaped a blood thirsty cyclops, terribles storms at sea, defeated many men in battle, and slew dozens of greedy suitors. Unlike like the almost immortal Achilles who was too narrow-minded to go into battle in the beginning of the war because of a servant. Though Odysseus was a very valiant man he can sometimes show some impudence. One example of his hubris is in the book The Wanderings Of Odysseus by Rosemary Sutcliff where Odysseus screams in pride at the cyclops his name, revealing himself. Angering the cyclops's father, and resulting in the death of some of his

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