
Odysseus - a Different Type of Hero

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Odysseus – A Different Type of Hero

The Homeric epic, the Odyssey, is set in the peaceful years following the Trojan War, and concerns the returning heroes on their journeys home, in particular Odysseus of Ithaca. Odysseus is an epic hero; he displays courage, superior strength, and leadership, all qualities that people admire. While displaying these archetypal heroic traits he also displays his weaknesses as a man, particularly his excessive pride, which actually make him easy to relate to. So by demonstrating his strengths, and overcoming his weaknesses he becomes an epic hero, not only in Homer 's time but in the 21st century as well. Yet these archetypal heroic qualities are not his only heroic qualities, in order to win his battles …show more content…

As other Kyklopes rush to see what the screaming is all about they are told by Polyphemos that: "Nohbdy, Nohbdy 's tricked me. Nohbdy 's ruined me!" (Homer IX 426). When morning comes, Odysseus and his men escape from the cave by clinging to the bellies of the Kyklops sheep. This carefully constructed plan of tricking the Kyklops, inflicting severe pain to this more dominant adversary, and the ingenuity of the final escape clearly demonstrate the epic heroic qualities and the cunning and shrewdness of Odysseus. When Odysseus reaches his homeland he is initially unsure of where he is. He is approached by Athena, in disguise, but displays his own cunning to outwit the goddess by concealing his identity from her until he is able to find out who she is and where he is. Whoever gets around you must be sharp and guileful as a snake; even a god might bow to you in ways of dissimulation. You! You chameleon! Bottomless bag of tricks! Here in your own country would you not give your stratagems a rest or stop spellbinding for an instant? (Homer XIII 342-348)
After discovering where he was, and what had been going on in his absence, Odysseus eventually sheds his disguise and shows himself to Telemakhos. He outlines his plan of how to launch a surprise attack within his palace against the suitors. Entering the palace as a beggar;

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