
Oedipus Tragic Hero

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Picture yourself going from being the King of Thebes to a widowed, motherless man who is forced to exile and fend for himself without sight. This is what occurred in Sophocles’ play, Oedipus Rex. A tragedy is composed of six elements that determine the quality of each part. It starts off with a flaw that leads to a hero’s passing, the acknowledgement of these flaws, and lethal punishment of the tragic hero. The play, Oedipus Rex, is about a king who finds out that he killed his own father and married his mother. Throughout the discovery, he doubted the citizens and a new side of Oedipus arose. Aristotle, the creator of the tragic hero cycle, thought Oedipus was the ideal example of a tragic hero. The six elements are present within Sophocles’ play beginning with the hamartia, leading to the anagnorisis, and concluding with the nemesis. …show more content…

The hamartia in Oedipus is his lack of knowledge about his own identity. Oedipus has no suspicion or doubt that Polybus and Merope are his biological parents, until an intoxicated man approaches him with the accusations. In the following quote, Oedipus learns about the rumors that were spread throughout Cithaeron, “A drunken man maundering in his cups cries out that I am not my father’s son!” (Sophocles, Scene 2, Part I, Lines 735-736). Oedipus thinks that the accusations are absurd but in reality they’re the truth. Following the hamartia is the

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