
Of Isara Ed Trihemasava's 'To Kill A Mockingbird'

Decent Essays

One of the most notable quotes in To Kill a Mockingbird is, “you never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view-until you climb into his skin and walk around in it” (Lee 39). Shadowing my father allowed me to exercise this quote. His name is Isara Ed Trihemasava, who is an excellent choice to shadow for he is self-employed, a dedicated father, as well as a diligent person. He takes on exhausting tasks in working as an electronic retailer for several hours throughout the week in addition to being a full-time father. Shadowing him gave me an opportunity to convey a glimpse into my future as an owner of a business along with being a parent from a male’s perspective. I watched my father pick …show more content…

Being satisfied with one’s life can be effortless, but for my father that is not the case. For my father to be happy with his life, he would have to see his children succeed in goals that they have set for their future and to not work as hard as him for a living. He would want to change his career that would give further financial security, while having extra time to stay with family provided that he could. According to my father, there are no clear or burdensome parts of being a parent, however being a parent entrusts a person to be accountable for providing the basic needs for their children. For instance, education, correct behavior, and principles. Sacrifices are typically seen with families, but not by Mr. Trihemasava. Mr. Trihemasava stated that he did not relinquish anything, because he gives his family his love and time as much as he can. Being a parent is always difficult, but there are no guidelines to being a good or bad parent. In my father’s opinion, “teaching or telling the children what is good for their life, what they are supposed to do, and how to prepare for their future, such as working hard at school, is what I would consider a good parent” (Trihemasava). My father repeatedly says “when you are tired, you go to sleep, when you wake up you feel refreshed, when you are hungry, you go to sleep and wake up still hungry” (Trihemasava). The intention behind this quote is to work for necessities. Giving me the chance to shadow my father

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