
Of Mice And Men Analysis Essay

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Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck
Of Mice and Men is about George Milton and Lennie Small, two (poor) migrant workers looking for a place to work during the Great Depression in California. The pair has to survive by working at the ranches, however, because of Lennie’s mild mental disability he brings them into trouble very often. Their dream is to own their piece of land, a farm. They want to have their personal piece of freedom and to be no longer dependent on circumstances and unreliable bosses.

Lennie is a simple-minded guy. He is very tall and strong. Compared to an average sized human is Lennie a giant. Even though he is very powerful, his mind is like one of a child. He is very naive and is heavily dependent on his …show more content…

It does not contain any flashback or flash-forwards. Because of this, the story is very easy to follow and comprehend.
Because there are no flashbacks and it is chronologically written you get to know the characters by their actions and dialogue throughout the story. It is also easier to understand why the main characters choose to do something specific. For example, George shot Lennie at the back of the neck, because he has been causing only but trouble throughout the story.
One of the major themes in this book is hopes and dreams. All the characters in the story share the same dream, to ultimately achieve happiness. The way how to achieve the dream is a little bit different for everybody, but for George and Lennie is it to own a farm. George’s reasons to own a farm means independence, security, being their boss and most importantly, being someone in society. Lennie’s reasons to own a farm is to take care of the animals. For him, it means security, the responsibility of taking care of the animals and a place where he will not have to be afraid.
Strength and …show more content…

The most obvious one is Lennie’s physical strength. You get to see how strong he is and the way how he is not able to control it. Physical strength on the ranch is crucial to work properly, but you also get to see how important it is to have mental strength. Curley shows that very well being the one that intimidates people around him.
Loneliness and companionship
Many characters acknowledge suffering from some form of loneliness. Candy is lonely once his dog is killed. Crooks is lonely because he feels segregated from everybody else. Curley’s wife is lonely because she is the only woman on the ranch. The only two people who do not suffer from loneliness is George and Lennie because they accompany each other until the end of the story.
George and Lennie’s Farm
The farm George and Lennie hope to own is a symbol of the American Dream. Like a dream, the farm leads George, Lennie and other ranchers like Candy and Crooks, to indulge in the dream of living off of being self-dependant.

Candy’s dog
Candy’s sheepdog is old and hopeless. After the dog gets killed, it becomes clear that during the Great Depression only the strongest can survive. The way in which Carlson kills the dog- with a gunshot to the back of the head- predicts Lennie’s death and is comparable to Lennie and Candy’s dog: they are both powerless and innocent.

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