Loneliness is something that all the characters had to go through at one point in the story. One of the characters that I thought was the most lonely was Crooks. Crooks was isolated from everyone at the ranch and had no one to turn to. Crooks did not have any family and was a slave who wasn’t treated fairly. That made him even more lonely. For example, when Lennie asked Crooks about being wanted Crooks says, “ Why ain't you wanted? Cause I’m black. They say I stink” (Steinbeck 68). Crooks never was included in anything with anyone. He was isolated by himself and had no one. Steinbeck's overall message about loneliness is that,life alone on the ranch deprived people of their happiness. 2. The ending of the book is not inevitable. To be able
Loneliness is the sadness resulting from being isolated or abandoned. Being lonely is almost always directly connected to relations between people, or the lack there of. Mother Teresa once said “Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty.” In John Steinbecks classic novel, Of Mice And Men, the three characters, Crooks, Curley’s wife and Candy struggle with loneliness in different forms because of characteristics that they can’t control. All three characters deal with their loneliness by searching for companionship with others on the ranch and this works out differently for each of them.
Loneliness is one of the primary themes in Of Mice and Men. Throughout the novel, John Steinbeck shows the enormous effect that loneliness has on the characters. Steinbeck most clearly illustrates this theme through Crooks, Candy, and Curley 's wife. Ranch hands are ideal types of people to portray as being lonely, because their constant travel leaves them without someone to talk to or share things with. Steinbeck also shows how important it is for every human being to have a companion. Companionship is necessary in order for someone to live an enjoyable life. Although loneliness affects each one of the characters in Of Mice and Men differently, they all experience negative feelings from their lack of
All throughout the book, Lennie has counted on George and vice versa. Crooks, has taken into account of the type of bond that Lennie and George share, and in chapter four, while all of the men are in town, Lennie goes into Crook’s room and talks to him. Crooks almost immediately attacks him by saying “S’pose George don’t come back no more?…what would you do then?” S’pose he gets killed or hurt so that he can’t come back? (Steinbeck, 71). Crooks only attacks Lennie with questions like this because Crooks, unlike George and Lennie, has no one he can call a friend.
Crooks’ aloof attitude and his own insecurities mask his loneliness. Lennie carelessly approaches Crooks in his room, but Crooks immediately tells him to leave and that he “ain’t wanted in the bunk house, and you ain’t wanted in my room” (Steinbeck 65). Crooks may not be able to go see the others, but that does not mean he does not want to. Past experience of discrimination about his color and prejudice against him creates trust issues against others who approach him. When Lennie stays, Crooks finally says “Come on in and set a while… Long as you won’t get out and leave me alone, you might as well set down” (Steinbeck 67). Crooks gives Lennie a chance to stay because he realizes Lennie does not understand the discrimination
In the American Classic Of Mice And Men there is a character that goes by the name of Crooks. He is a very lonely crippled black man who is in need of a friend as this quote shows "George can tell you screwy things, and it don't matter It's just the talking. It's just bein' with another guy. That's all."(71). Crooks says this with a sadness that shows his longing for somebody to be there for him. He is talking about how the conversation doesn’t matter, as long as you just have someone there to keep you company and be friends with. And this proves to be true, because the whole time Crooks is enjoying himself by pouring out his life story and explaining his loneliness. And while this is happening Lennie is just asking about his pup and mentioning
Steinbeck illustrates Crooks having an aggressive and defensive character when he and Lennie meet each other for the first time. This expresses Crooks since he uses a defence mechanism through loneliness to keep people away from him to stop him from getting into trouble. “‘a guy goes nuts when he ain’t got nobody’” this reflects upon Crooks miss having company and makes him jealous of George and Lennie’s relationship therefore suggesting to Lennie that George will leave him. This affects the reader as it gives us the impression that Crooks has spent a long time in isolation therefore forgotten what it is like to have someone want to greet him. The word “nobody” can be referred to Crooks experiences in living in a barn and not in the bunkhouse where he could play rummy as one of the
Steinbeck uses hopelessness to illustrate loneliness in several different parts of the book. Crooks the Stable buck is an excellent example of this, he is lonely because he gets left out on everything and he isn't treated the same because of skin color. For
In the book “Of mice of men” by John Steinbeck there are a lot of topics and themes to discuss but one topic stood out more than the others. In the book “of mice of men” loneliness was a big topic. Mainly all of the characters in the story were lonely. Characters like Crooks, Curley’s wife, and Slim were all lonely. They worked for themselves and only themselves; their mindsets are different and how they manage their lives differ from someone that is not lonely.
In the novel Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck looks at the theme of loneliness as it affects many characters on the ranch. Crooks, Curley's wife, and Candy are the most excluded characters on the ranch, because they all have dreams that they will not be able to live out and they all are at loss when it came to companionship. Crooks is lonely because he is the only black man on the ranch. Since this book is set during the Depression, Jim Crow laws are still in effect, whites and blacks had separate facilities for socializing and living. Crooks comments that he can't live in the bunkhouse, and cant even play cards in there.
Have you ever been or felt lonely? For someone to feel lonely, it means that he or she is sad, and is the kind of person who doesn’t have any friends. Loneliness appears in today's world in different cases. In Of Mice Of and Men; by John Steinbeck, the characters present the theme of loneliness. The characters such as Candy, Curley's Wife, George, and Crooks all appear to be lonely in this book.
Lois Lowry wrote “The worst part of holding the memories is not the pain. It's the loneliness of it. Memories need to be shared,” in The Giver. This is an important lesson we all must learn……………. Through the use of conflict in the novella Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, he illustrates how we must stay together and what happens if we don’t.
Loneliness How do you feel when you are left alone a long time?Probably not good. How do you think you would feel if you were lonely your whole?You’d go insane. In the story, Of Mice and Men, by John Steinback, loneliness is a major theme. It effects most of the people on the ranch, who have little money,and leave on their journey by themselves.
"Of Mice and Men" essay on Loneliness is a basic part of human life. Every one becomes lonely once in a while but in Steinbeck's novella "Of Mice and Men", he illustrates the loneliness of ranch life in the early 1930's and shows how people are driven to try and find friendship in order to escape from loneliness. Steinbeck creates a lonely and blue atmosphere at many times in the book. He uses names and words such as the town near the ranch called "Soledad", which means loneliness and the card game "Solitaire" Which means by ones self. He makes it clear that all the men on the ranch are lonely, with particular people lonelier than others. In the opening chapter, Steinbeck introduces the idea of loneliness and men who work on ranches living
It might be hard to name someone more lonely than Michael from The Blind Side, but Lennie and George from Of Mice And Men are lonely in a different way. Lennie and George are lonely even though they have each other. Lennie and George in my opinion are not as lonely as Michael because they have each other but they still are alone all together.
Of mice and men by John Steinbeck being lonely is the key objective and to me that is very boring and here why it is to me. And i'll explain 3 reasons on why I feel why the book is about loneliness. 1st we have Candy who is sad about his dog leaving him because he had to get shot since he was so old. And then we got Crook for not being liked because he's black and no one wants to play cards or anything with him. And then you got George the little small smart guy that tries so hard to take care of Lennie.