
Of Mice And Men George And Lennie Friendship

Decent Essays

In the book, Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, two characters, George and Lennie mend a friendship that shows dependence and love . Intellectual disabilities give different outlooks on life and makes others work harder to understand how their mind works. Showing time towards disabled people gives a better sense to one’s understanding towards their disability. Joking around with people with disabilities might come naturally because of the sense of innocence they have. Cruel actions can uncover a protective and loving heart. By way of example, George’s cruel actions toward Lennie uncover the truth about protecting him. Lennie depends on George so much that he will do anything George says to do. On page 40, George tells Slim, “I turns to Lennie and says, ‘jump in.’ An’ he jumps. Couldn’t swim a stroke. He damn near drowned before we could get him. An’ he was so damn nice to me for pullin’ him out. Clean forgot I told him to jump in. Well, I ain’t done nothing like that no more.” …show more content…

“ He pulled the trigger. The crash of the shot rolled up the hills and rolled down again. Lennie jarred, and then settled slowly forward to the sand, and he lay without quivering.” (page 106). Lennie was always innocent and didn’t have a sense in which an adult would. As George tells him about the life they will have Lennie know that George is a trustworthy friend and he takes time out of his life to spend it with Lennie and show him appreciation. George knows many others get annoyed with Lennie and he wanted to do what was best for Lennie. Killing him was a very large sacrifice and it showed a lot of courage. Lennie’s life was taken to protect himself. Having an intellectual disability, nobody knew what was going on in his brain. Lennie was broken down by others because of his own mind. The action of George killing him, it showed appreciation towards Lennie putting his life into a better one at

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