What if the only way you could save your best friend was the worst thing imaginable? George had to make a decision that would change the fate of Lennie’s future. Would he be the one to kill Lennie or would he let Curley do the work of ending Lennie’s life. George by the end did make the right decision. It all started when Curley was looking for his wife and wants to pick a fight with Lennie. Lennie doesn’t protect himself at first but then “George yells, ‘Get him, Lennie. Don’t let him do it.’ ” Lennie goes for Curley’s hand and crunches it into small little pieces. Lennie looks at Curley in panic as he holds his broken hand. George rushes over to tell Lennie to stop, he tells Lennie to stop over and over again. Finally Lennie lets go and …show more content…
After they all left Lennie went out to the barn to see his pup but gets sidetracked and stood in Crooks open doorway. Crook is a black man and the stable buck that has his own room unlike the others that share a bunk. Crook wanted Lennie to leave but Lennie just kept talking so he let him come into the room and sit down. After a while Candy came looking for Lennie to talk about the farm that he and George are going to have. Candy asks if he can be part of it and that he will work hard and for no pay. Then Curley’s wife walks in “looking” for Curley, she complains about how Curley is never around. All the workers on the farm believe that she is only with Curley because of money, apishly Candy. Curley’s wife then remembers about his smashed hand and asks the boys what happened. They all panicked in fear and look at each other. Candy tells her over and over that he got it stuck in a machine, but she doesn’t believe it. Crook just kept her quiet after that. Then Candy tells her that she is not welcomed in the barn. As Curley’s wife leaves she asks Lennie how he got the bruises on his face and Lennie admittedly told her “Curley got his hand stuck in a machine.” They all heard sound in the yard; it was the men back from the hospital. Curley’s wife walks out and says she is glad that Lennie beaded up
“Lennie was in a panic. His face was contorted. She screamed then, and Lennie's other hand closed over her mouth and nose. "Please don't," he begged. "Oh! Please don't do that. George'll be mad." … "I don't want you to yell. You gonna get me in trouble jus' like George says you will. Now don't you do that." And she
Curley's wife comes in the bunkhouse, but Candy keeps telling her to go away. Then she starts talking about how she's lonely and an unhappy marriage.
Any good person does not want to watch a friend to be hurt, and George is no exception. George is most worried for Lennie when Curley says ‘“i’m gonna shoot the guts outta that big dumb bastard myself, even if i only got one hand.”’ (steinbeck 48). this is when Curley, Slim and Carlson are getting together to find Lennie and hurt him and kill him. George thought
1) Lennie goes to investigate why there is a light on in the barn while most of the ranch workers are out at Suzy's. When he reaches the source of light, he finds out it's Crooks room and he then begins to tell Crook about the dream farm. 2) Crook takes his loneliness out on Lennie by being hostile and saying George may never come back to him one day. 3)
George reminds Lennie to stay away from Curley and his wife because their trouble. A fight broke out between Curley and Lennie. Curley accused Lennie of laughing at him. Curley throws the first punch and Lennie responds by grabbing Curley's fist in a tight hold. Curley's hand starts bleeding baldy. The co-workers threaten turkey to not say anything. Curley agrees and says his hand got caught in a machine. The next day, Curley's wife is suspicious on how Lennie got his bruises on his face. She figures out that Curley caused them. Later on, all the boys except lennie are playing horseshoes. Lennie goes into the barn to play with his puppy. As expected, Lennie killed the puppy because he wasn’t gentle. In this moment, Curley's wife decided to enter the
“Say why are you in here with Lennie?” as Candy says. “Oh nothing I’m just passing by and saw Lennie, nothing happened here,” and she left the barn and left Candy and Lennie in the barn. Candy starts to approach Lennie and tells him, “Lennie uh George is lookin for you.” Candy says.
Once George finds him first, he decides it would be best if Lennie died, and so he shoots him in the back of the head where he will feel no pain. George and Lennie being the best of friends, it is surprising George decides to kill his mate. In a way, it makes sense. If the others were to catch Lennie first, then Curley would have most likely tortured or killed Lennie in a very painful way. During all this, George would have to watch without being able to do anything. Lennie made the mistake, and he will have to pay for it no matter what. The best way to quickly end it is to kill him painlessly when he is happy. This stops their goal of living together in a small house. George will either have to complete that dream himself or choose another companion. Either way, it is a loss for George and for Lennie. In a way, this may be the best for George. Now he doesn’t have to deal with a person who is constantly messing up and is hard to deal with. This act of deciding to kill Lennie is an epiphany. This is because, before this, George and Lennie were really close, but after, George had to go through the process of deciding to kill Lennie. The moment when George realizes that the best situation for his friend is for George to kill him is harsh. George did the best for Lennie, and that is what
The book "Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck, foreshadows the imminent failure of Lennie and George, the two main characters. Steinbeck uses 4 key events to foreshadow the failure by writing about early conversations events in Weed, Lennie first laying eyes on Curly’ss wife, Lennie receiving a puppy, and finally when Curly’s wife was lurking around is a pretty colorful dress. The first solid evidence of George and Lennie's imminent failure occurs as the story begins. The main characters, George and Lennie, were walking on a dirt road to their new destination.
George told Lennie if he gets in any trouble come here and hide in the brush over there. They meet some new people that are other “main” people in this story, Carlson, Slim, Curley, Mae (Curley's wife), Candy, Crooks. Not to mention Slim's dog had a litter and he let Lennie keep one. One day, Lennie was playing with his pup and Mae came in. Mae is one of those people who just keeps going even when she probably should stop.
George faced ultimate consequences in the end. At first Lennie killed a puppy because he it’s fur to hard and it died. Next he was stroking Curley's wife’s hair and wouldn’t let go, so it caused her neck to snap. Again George was in serious trouble due to Lennie’s trouble was to kill him, himself, rather than Curley. Curley would have made Lennie suffer so George killed his friend humanely. In the end George not only lost his friends, but his American dream.
He makes a big show of keeping his hand soft to caress her, yet also visits the local whorehouse on Saturday night. While he may strut around the ranch because of his position as the boss' son, he obviously cannot satisfy his wife and is mean, or perhaps simply detached from her. Curley beats up any man who dares to talk to her, but ironically, he rarely talks to her himself, and they spend the majority of the book looking for each other.
When Lennie enters Crooks cabin uninvitedly he quickly tells Lennie that he is not wanted there even though this is the first time Crooks has ever talked to Lennie. Crooks’ behaviour
George and Lennie’s relationship seems to stand to deter a similar fate. George claims that his life would be much easier and much simpler if Lennie was gone. George claimed that he, “‘Why, I could stay in a cat house all night. I could eat any place I want, hotel
Although George appears belligerent toward Lennie. In reality he deeply cares about him, keeping him motivated and being protective of him. Lennie and Curley start fighting and George says "Get him, Lennie.." he was on the side, encouraging Lennie to beat Curley. Then as Lennie thinks about stopping, he looks at George for approval as George yells "I said get him" leading to Lennie losing control and crushing Curley's fist. Curley didn't know Lennie was capable of fighting.
where they cancel each other out: Candy gets angry and calms himself down whilst Curley’s wife