
Oil Drilling Essay

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As Josh Fox, an American film writer and environmental activist, once said, "The problem is that everywhere the oil drilling industry goes, a trail of water contamination, air pollution, health concerns, and betrayal of basic American civic and community values follows." In making this comment, Fox argues that the expansion of the oil drilling industry should be limited because it presents many risks to the environment and the quality of life for countless people. The expansion of oil drilling is a major ethical dilemma in modern times as the government is creating reserves in which oil drilling companies are not allowed to explore. Oil exploration is needed for the industry to continue supplying the country with fuel, and gas prices will rise as the resources diminish. However, opening up regions to oil drilling will have detrimental effects on the environment and may put the future of humanity in danger because the use of oil is not sustainable. In debating this topic, it is important to consider the effects on the common good and the protection of the environment. Rather than opening federally reserved lands and waters to oil drilling, the United …show more content…

One one hand, economists argue that the government should open the reserves because it would decrease the prices of fuel and provide more jobs. On the other hand, environmentalists contend that the US should take charge to protect the natural beauty and biodiversity of the Earth for future generations. The Church maintains the idea of protecting the environment for future generations and believes that improving the environment and caring for all creatures would be to the benefit of the common good. My own view is that as a nation, we should shift towards using sustainable resources and decrease our output of pollution and waste while keeping the reserves

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