
Oil and Economic Change in Texas

Satisfactory Essays

Oil and Economic Change in Texas

Oil and Economic Change, 1890 – 1945
History 226 Fall 2012

I. Connections a. Memory i. Texans were more innovative and wanting to lead the march into the west. ii. Memory changes from southern memory to Alamo Texas revolution. 1. 1890-1945 attitude changed as Texas Economy grew b. Politics iii. Often been the case that politics either helps or hurts economic iv. Doesn’t have a federal government to actively enforce the 13th, 14th amendments. v. One of the reasons for astounding growth of Houston – federal investment. More willing to go to federal government or state government. vi. Government helps to …show more content…

28. Instead of wasting a third of it in an oil field. 29. We’ll drill every salt owned in p. Connections, markets and government xxxviii. West Texas to East Texas xxxix. Ira and Anne Yates 30. Government provides ways for oil drillers. 31. Texas by 1945 was the number one producer of petroleum in the world. q. Expansion 1920 to 1945 xl. By 1945 Texas was number one producer in the world. 32. Geology and demands of drilling in Texas were particular in Texas 33. Houston in particular became sinners of not just petroleum companies. g. Expansion of petroleum possible. ii. Drilling, bowls, pike, storage facilities r. Industrialization and urbanization xli. Multiplier of more high tech, high skilled jobs. xlii. Goes into things like building big buildings and banks 34. Multiplier effect encourages industrialization and urbanization h. Hold autumn in your hand iii. Heor has an option of being a sharecropper 1. Spin off or multiplier effect. iv. Industrial effect. 2. The world is quite different in terms of opportunity V. The Rise and Fall of King Cotton s. Blackland Praries xliii. Cotton expands – more and

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