
Oj Simpson Sociology

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Notably, one individual who has tried to avoid being perceived based on their biological race was Orenthal James (O.J.) Simpson. O.J. Simpson was a successful American football player integrated within mainstream pop culture throughout the 1960s to the 1990s. Born in a low-income neighbourhood, Simpson was raised by a single mother with three other siblings. When analysing O.J. Simpson’s upbringing, it is possible to weigh how his familial situation is representative of the typical social and economic constraints of most black families within America during the 1950s to 60s. First examining the percent of female householder statistics between 1950 to 1990 from the American Bureau of the Census, there is a visible increase of almost 30 percent. …show more content…

was presented with opportunity to assimilate and transcend into the white race. Nicknamed “the Juice”, Simpson became extremely successful within his athletic and entertainment career. For example, O.J. Simpson was a first round overall draft pick for the NFL, a significant feat considering the fact that less than 1% of the overall NFL first draft picks, prior to O.J. Simpson, had been black individuals. As a result, I believe O.J. began to acknowledge his unique situation as an opening into the white hegemonic culture. O.J. Simpson began to internally work hard to differentiate himself from other black athletes at the time to transcend beyond his biological and social race to achieve …show more content…

Simpson’s chose to remove himself from the societal movements addressing racial oppression, specifically those that examined the oppression of black individuals. For instance, O.J. Simpson had been decisive in separating himself from the black civil rights movement during the 1960s. He had used his lack of a position on the civil rights movement to catalyse his ability to transcend into a new racial social category, in my perception. For instance, within an interview conducted with Simpson in 1967, in which O.J. was asked about his perception on the decision by many coloured athletes to step down from the 1968 Olympics in protest to racial oppression. O.J. Simpson distinguished himself from the other athletes, such as Tommie Smith and Lew Alcindor (also known as Kareem Abdul-Jabbar), by saying that they “should follow their beliefs,” in continuing to standing up against racial oppression, but that he did not “want to be involved in it”. Through separating himself from the black cause, it appears as though O.J. Simpson focuses on re-branding himself without a racial trademark. Consequently, through presenting himself as a member outside of the black community due to their lower social standing, O.J. Simpson makes me believe that he has succumbed to conceptual incarceration by idolizing the top tier of a racial hierarchy that is one of the main reason social subjugation of the black community he once identified

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