
Okonkwo Tragic Hero

Decent Essays

Tom Stoppard, a famous British playwright, once announced, “From principles is derived probability, but truth or certainty is obtained only from facts.”(Stoppard 1) Stoppard describes that one can only get truth from the facts they know. Okonkwo, the main character in the book Things Fall Apart, is not a true tragic hero. There are four requirements to become a true hero. Okonkwo meets two of the necessities, superiority and tragic flaw, however, he fails to meet the other two requirements, goodness and realization. The obligation, superiority and tragic flaw are shown by the main character because they are explained thoroughly through the book, therefore making them facts. The goodness and realization aspects are assumed by some readers based …show more content…

The reader recognizes the necessities in the book when Okonkwo fulfills multiple actions to make himself look good, or to feel like he looks good, with no other attent. This main character cares about what people think of him and does not want to be seen as weak. He views his father as weak, in short he wants to be nothing like him. “Okonkwo was ruled by one passion, hate everything his father, Unoka, loved” (Achebe 13). Okonkwo does everything opposite of his father and makes himself look strong. Because the character does not want to be like his father, all of his actions throughout the book are done with much rage and anger. As a result of Okonkwo caring to an extreme extent of what others think of him, he randomly kills just to look strong and fearless. He is afraid of looking weak to people, which ends up being his weakest trait in the book, Things Fall …show more content…

Goodness precisely means the quality of being good and Okonkwo demonstrates many actions in the book to show he does not have the trait of goodness. He only hurts others throughout the novel and uses these hurt characters to do what he wants them to do. “Okonkwo never showed any emotion openly unless it was the emotion of anger” (Achebe 28). Okonkwo never showed any signs of being good and the other characters in the book knew this. Because he only would show the emotion of anger, Okonkwo did not possess the trait of goodness. The main character did not show appreciation to the other characters in the novels, and the very few people he did care about, he would avoid them and act as if he did not. The only good he demonstrates is that he likes Ikemefuna, but towards the end of the book, he kills this man to look stronger and goes against what the elders say. Okonkwo repeatedly does bad things in fear of not being good enough, and in fact he was never

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