
Essay about Oliver Cromwell a Hero not a Villain

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Was Oliver Cromwell a hero or a villain?

I think Oliver Cromwell was a hero. He was good – hearted and ambitious, and he wanted England to be at it’s best with no corruption and unfair methods. He thought Charles was not doing the right thing, so he worked hard and got him executed.

Oliver Cromwell was a Member of Parliament (MP) and was against king Charles and his ways, so he worked hard and got the king executed. After that, he got offered the post of king, but he refused it, but was Lord Protector of the country. After some time, he dismissed parliament (because he thought they were getting selfish and greedy), and ruled on his own until he died of an infection on the 3rd of September 1658.

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You can trust this source as Churchill was in a high position and was responding to a harsh comment made by someone in the public. Cromwell was determined and strong-willed, as he fought for what he believed in when he helped to get King Charles executed. He thought what he was doing was right, and considered himself acting in god’s name.

Cromwell was a villain. He was a hypocrite. He executed Charles – one of the reasons why was because he dismissed parliament, and yet he does it himself! “Cromwell often did not do as he promised. The army officer who thought promotion should be on performance and not birth was also the country gentleman who believed in rights for the gentry. Cromwell criticised the government of Charles I for its unfairness, yet he was corrupt himself. The defender of the parliament led that parliaments own army against it and closed it down.” Historian Roger Howell in images of Cromwell, 1977. You can rely on this source telling you the truth as it is from a book and usually books are not biased. Cromwell was a villain. He often did not listen to people’s views and did everything his own way, not taking in other people’s opinions. Cromwell was a villain. “Cromwell said he was a man of the people but people at the time said he ruled without listening to their views or parliament’s (even the Rump full of his supporters). He became selfish and only asked the unpopular ‘Major

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