
'On Being a Cripple', by Nancy Mairs

Good Essays

“On Being a Cripple”, Nancy Mairs In her essay “On Being a Cripple”, Nancy Mairs presents her audience with an honest inside view of her life and perspective as a cripple, a word she openly uses to define herself. She brings her world to us by discussing a wide variety of things including language, family, and humor, and how these all relate to her life. Through various stories and insights, she allows her readers to gain an understanding and acceptance of people with disabilities. She examines the public’s view of the disabled, as well as the views they have of themselves, and compares them to her own. She makes it clear that she is not to be defined solely by her disability. In discussing honestly her views, as well as …show more content…

She talks about the progression of MS throughout her life, and gives numerous examples of other people she knows who are also afflicted, and different ways she reacts to them. She ranges from the aforementioned two older women to another friend, Michael (243), providing her readers with a variety of people to identify with. Once she has them seeing themselves in the piece, they are also able to see themselves in her. By seeing the good and bad aspects of Mairs’

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