
On Raising Biracial Children Summary

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After the ruling of Loving v. Virginia in 1967 the U.S Supreme Court deemed laws prohibiting interracial relationships as illegal. Although this ruling was meant to change some of the social inequalities associated with interracial relationships, there are still incidents of where belonging to a multiracial family brings problems such as the way individuals identify their culture, and how others view them. Since Eubanks grew up in a multiracial family, his decision to bear children with his multiracial wife was a way for him to continue to challenge white supremacy. Cheryl Seelhoff, author of On Raising Biracial Children illustrates how being a white woman and having a child by a black man was a challenge towards white supremacy because it …show more content…

During this account, Eubanks finds that his son’s approach to how he identifies himself and his reaction to the DNA results illustrates a generational gap. Eubank’s son, Patrick, describes that when he is confronted with how he identifies, he solely bases it off the “assumptions” that someone makes about him (Eubanks, 2013). Patrick’s approach to how he deals with identifying himself speaks to the prejudices that individuals or a group of people have about the way that people who they presume to belong to a certain group should look and behave. This notion of thinking from Patrick then creates the realization for Eubanks that “DNA results confirmed for me that identity cannot be constructed based on a percentage of African ancestry, and that our society’s generally accepted racial categories cannot begin to address the complexity and nuance of our heritage.” Eubanks explains to his audience that due to the fact that almost every individual’s DNA is a mutation no one should feel inferior or superior to another group. He also expresses how one should also not make basic assumptions based on an individual’s appearance along with not feeling guilt or shame about the basis of one’s genetic

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