
One Of Holden’S Main Defense Mechanisms In The Novel Is

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One of Holden’s main defense mechanisms in the novel is isolation and same isolation can derive from his constant depression.. Holden chooses to isolate himself many times throughout the storyline because of his saddening past. An article by Debbie Roome acknowledged “Depression is another prime cause of isolation. A depressed teen loses interest in everyday activities and drops out of social groups at school” (Roome). The reader will in fact see this early on in the book demonstrating Holden flunked out of his school! The quote “Where I want to start telling is the day I left Pencey Prep. Pencey Prep is this school that’s in Agerstown, Pennsylvania” (Salinger 2) is an example of where Holden flunked out of his school, he in fact failed …show more content…

For instance, Holden can be seen isolating himself when he distances himself from the rest of the school at a football game, the quote “I remember around three o’clock that afternoon I was standing way the hell up on top of Thomsen Hill, right next to this crazy cannon that was in the Revolutionary War and all” (Salinger 2). The depression which is causing him to isolate himself is very evident throughout the novel because of the main ideals circling around these two defense mechanisms. The depression may also derive from the relationship with Holden and his mother. Freud would argue that Holden’s lack of any meaningful attachment to his mother leaves him feeling inadequate and depressed thus making Holden isolate himself. In an article by Neil Farber M.D the main idea was on mother and child relationships and how it affects the child’s development and psychoanalysis. Farber acknowledges that “parent-child relationships influences child and family functioning as well as and has the used longitudinal studies to look at the association between parenting styles and children’s emotions and behaviors that may contribute to early mental health issues in children” (Farber ). And this can be one direct reason on why Holden behaves the way he does because when Holden’s family went through the loss of a son/ brother the mother began to not focus as much on Holden thus driving Holden into a depressed state of mind and those furthermore caused the isolationism.

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