
Opioids In Schools

Decent Essays

Substance abuse is known through most populations, particularly acknowledged in the lower economic class. Drug are becoming more popular in this day in time. Drugs are getting the attention of younger teenagers and adults. It is hard to determine if a person is using drugs or not. Substance abuse is a topic that has been spread in the society and is often look upon as the leftover of an inconsiderate acquisitiveness. As you can see on the news more parents are using heroin and other drugs such as cocaine to get a high and will pass out in front of their children. Therefore, heroin and synthetic opioids are driving a recent increase in cocaine-related abuse. Opioids are typically used to treat pain and other conditions. They decrease the transfer …show more content…

According to the Heroin Epidemic in Northern Ohio, the best way to lessen the chances of heroin and cocaine abuse is prevention (Heroin Epidemic 2015). By incorporating and highlighting the dangers and warning signs within the school systems it could prevent teenagers and young adults from trying it. Many schools have the D.A.R.E programs offered at schools. The Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E) is a program that provides children with the proper skills when it comes to drugs and violence. The law enforcement also works within the community. They interact more just to show others with a different mindset that they are here to protect and serve the community.
There are several things that contribute to why heroin and cocaine use are a problem in today’s time. One of the reasons is financial and mental situations. When you are limited amounts of money for providing for your family you may often get stressed. The stress may make a person want to resort to drugs and alcohol so that they will not feel that specific emotion. Most people using drugs often have something going on within themselves. They may or may not want help but leaving them with the option of getting it is a good

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