
Opium Wars Research Paper

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Who's to blame for the Opium Wars?
The Opium Wars were a series of two wars fought between the British Empire and Chinese over trading right within the borders of China, however which nation is to blame for the opium wars? Firstly Britain had a stronger power over China which gave them more confidence to take hold of China. Secondly Britain was given countless of times to stop the opium trade but still became angry after they blew it up and Thirdly Even after Britain had gotten hold of Hong Kong and was able to trade within China, they continued to trade opium. Therefor Britain was to blame for starting the Opium Wars.

Britain had greater power over the Chinese, which gave them more confidence to force trade with them. The British Empire was …show more content…

It wasn't until 1839 did Emperor Qin ban the opium after the death of his son from addiction. When Britain continued to trade opium Emperor Qing appointed Lin Zexu as the Governor of Canton. His job was to cease all opium coming into China. When a blockade was broken and the opium ships came sailing back in Lin, convinced Charles Elliot, the British superintendent of all trade in China, to handover all the opium. It is referenced in ‘Cultural China (2010) First opium war’ “Lin banned the sale of opium, asked that all opium be surrendered to the chinese authorities” Lin then destroyed it all, thus sparking the First Opium War. The letter that Lin sent to Queen Victoria stating what would happen to anyone who would continue the trade, it is clearly shown that Lin is very angry at the Queen: “ May you, O king, Check your wicked and sift your wicked people before they come to china, In order to guarantee the peace within your nation.” Unlike most letters this one is written with sarcastic comments and insults. Yes, China did spark the Opium Wars by blowing up the opium, but if it weren't for Britain's continuous trade, they would have never

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