
Origin Stories Of Modern Capitalism

Decent Essays

How did modern capitalism originate? While we enjoy the benefits of modern capitalism, many of us fail to consider where the system comes from. In a capitalistic society, private ownership and the accumulation of capital are crucial aspects of the system. Nevertheless, we do not contemplate the reasoning behind these ideas. From analyzing the texts written by Smith, Marx, and Weber, though, we can formulate origin stories of modern capitalism. Each of the thinkers--Smith, Marx, and Weber--tells a different origin story, focusing on natural propensity, organizational production, and idealistic changes, respectively. Although their critical contributions diverge on some aspects of the origin question, their analytical efforts enable us to interpret the social realities of modern capitalism.
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the origin stories of modern capitalism. I will begin my paper with an analysis of Smith, who insists that natural tendencies inherent in man bring capitalism into being. He also argues that geographical advantages also aid the formation of capitalism. Then, I will focus on Marx, who points out that the means of production and social organization give rise to capitalism. After that, I will analyze the development of the spirit of capitalism from the Protestant, which is suggested by Weber. I will end my paper with some similarities and differences among the three thinkers and a story of capitalism that I believe to be true: a balance between the

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