
Orwell 's 1984 And Huxley 's Brave New World

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Throughout history the powerful few have managed to seize control of a state and exercise their power and influence in a manner that inflicts great damage on a few for the alleged benefit of the many. To further their agenda these dictators vilify and oppress a small group in society and justify their actions by claiming that the persecuted group is inferior, subversive and represent a danger to society. This pattern of persecution can be observed as far back as the 1500s in the Spanish Inquisition, in the 1700s with the Salem Witch Hunts or more recently in Nazi Germany. The persecuted in all of these tragedies share in common at least one thing: they fail to effectively express opposition to their oppression. In the classic dystopian …show more content…

No doubt, the issue of equal rights for women (or lack thereof) has been a pervasive problem in our own society, a fact which now tends to be overlooked by virtue of the current improved status of women both socially and economically. Similar to our society, the Handmaid’s Tale portrays women’s rights as an ongoing serious problem that even predates the inception of Gilead. The struggle for equality can be observed by the actions of a few women before Gilead, including Offred’s Mother, who was a stout feminist activist, and Moira, who was often enraged by the inequality of the sexes. Notwithstanding the actions of a few women, however, and while the majority of women in the Handmaid’s Tale, like Offred, acknowledged that the status of women was still inferior, the majority remained fiercely content and violently apathetic, in large measure because of the relative improved condition of some like the Handmaid Offred. Offered is perhaps the most striking. Not only was Offred provided ample opportunity to support feminism and equality, but was also surrounded by feminists such as her mother and Moira, and despite all (or perhaps because of) she remained apathetic. To be sure, some actions perpetrated by Moira and Offred’s mother could be considered misguided at best and counterproductive at worst. For example, Moira’s unreasonable stance on men are illustrative: “If Moira thought she could create Utopia by shutting herself up in a women-only enclave

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