
Othello : An Aristotelian Tragedy And Tragic Hero

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Othello, an Aristotelian Tragedy and Tragic Hero When reading a story, specifically a tragedy, what stands out? Tragedy often enables its audience to reflect on personal values that might be in conflict with civil ideas, on the claims of minorities that it neglected or excluded from public life, on its on irrational prejudices toward the foreign of the unknown (Kennedy & Gioia, 2103, p. 857). Readers feel sympathy for the characters, especially the tragic hero. Othello, the Moor of Venice is a prime example of a great tragic story which follows the example Aristotle brings to light in his Poetics (guidelines to drama). The Aristotelian definition of a tragedy and a tragic hero have certain requirements; these requirements are met in Othello, the Moor of Venice, as a story of imitation, incorporating pity, fear, perpeteia, anagnorisis, and catharsis, Othello is also seen as an Aristotelian tragic hero as someone that is good, appropriate, lifelike, of noble birth, is of high character, and who has a tragic flaw which meets the Aristotelian definition. The requirements for a work in drama to be considered an Aristotelian tragedy are explained in Aristotle’s Poetics. These requirements make it difficult to signify a drama as a tragedy. “Aristotle’s Poetics is a powerful, insightful, and informative document concerning the nature of art, but very few works have been written, Greek, Elizabethan, or modern, that conform to is standards for achieving the essential nature

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