
Othello, By William Shakespeare

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Evil, those who contain an evil heart always appear to have a talent or hunger for destroying anything

beautiful that is about to bloom. Evil motives and intentions can be recognized in a wide range of people, some just

obtain this as it is human nature while others hide it as an attribute of jealousy. In the play by Shakespeare evil is a

perception constantly come upon in different ways and situations, In Shakespeare’s play true evil is strongly shown

in the character Iago a numerous amount of times. Iago’s actions are based purely on his evil nature. This is

apparent that Iago’s manipulative exploitation of the characters throughout the play and, when Iago uses people for

his own selfish needs and when he gets a well honoured …show more content…

He’ll be as full of quarrel and offence as my young mistress’ dog” (2.3.41-

44). Iago acts like a friend to Casio, sweet talks him into drinking, as if nothing will happen and that Iago will

always be there for Cassio no matter what happens. Iago knows that once Cassio is drunk, he will be an

uncontrollable dangerous man who can potentially create a big problem and that’s exactly what Iago is counting

on. The real motive behind all this doing by Iago was to strip Cassio of his title of lieutenant because both Cassio

and Iago tried to get this position but Othello thought Cassio was more worthy of carrying out the duties of that

position so Iago was turned down and that created fire inside of him for Cassio and he planned this scheme to get

what’s rightfully his. The last person in the eyes of Iago is a man named Roderigo. The clear and predictable

weakness of his is that he is crazy for the love of Desdemona who is the wife of the general Othello. Iago uses that

to his benefit and makes Roderigo a pawn, so Roderigo will do anything commanded by Iago because he

repeatedly bribes him with promises that he will get Desdemona in return or that she will sleep with him after his

service. Iago says “O no, he goes into Mauritania and takes away with him the fair Desdemona, unless his abode be

lingered here by some accident; where in none can be so determinate as the removing of Cassio” (4.2.221-224).

Iago bribes Roderigo by

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