
Othello, By William Shakespeare

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Jealousy is the root of all evil, bringing extreme consequences that may not have been originally intended. This theme is demonstrated in William Shakespeare 's play, Othello. The story was written in the early 1600 's when Shakespeare was forty years old. Othello is about a young Venetian woman, Desdemona, who falls in love with the Moor of the land, Othello. Many people disapprove of their marriage, and attempt to destroy the wedding. Iago is the mastermind in the play who devises a plan to manipulate Othello to believe his wife has committed adultery. Iago rages Othello so greatly that he arranges to have his wife and her suspected partner, Cassio to be murdered. This web of lies and a jealous attitude causes Othello 's naive desire to be successful. Shakespeare 's work was performed in a theater setting, where he received great praise from the most noble affairs. People of all social levels would gather at the Swan Theater to watch great plays like Othello. The cost for admission into the theater depended on where the party decided to sit or stand, ranging from groundlings to kings. Shakespeare incorporated many new elements into the stage, such as a curtain, door, balcony, and drop floor. These features added many dramatic effects to the plot. His techniques entertained the audience, and it also allowed them to gather information from the play that other characters may not have known. This strategy was used in Othello, with some of his major characters including

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