
Othello's Jealousy

Decent Essays

In the 16th century drama puts a big impact to the characters in othello and causes a twisted end to the play. One type of jealousy seen in othello is the jealousy Iago has over Cassio and his position. Othello suffers from the type of jealousy that he already has, he is afraid of losing his wife, Desdemona. Rodrigo Jealousy is wanting something that someone already has, he wants Desdemona. Othello shows the different kinds of jealousy between Othello, desdemona, Iago and Rodrigo, and how jealousy can lead to a tragic end. In Othello There are many types of jealousy that has conflict on the characters in the play, one being the main character, Othello. He feels for Desdemona. Othello’s jealousy leads to Desdemona’s death.“Ay,

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