
Outliers Gladwell Analysis

Decent Essays

What is an Outlier? As defined by Gladwell (2008), it is “1: something that is situated away from or classed different from the main or related body, 2: a statistical observation that is markedly different in value from the others of the sample” (p. 3). Gladwell (2008) examines multiple stories and circumstances of successful people and deeply analyzes natural talent compared to opportunity. Specifically, are socially described “talented” people naturally gifted or are they exposed to certain circumstances and opportunities during their lives which ultimately mold them? Looking at a long history of hero’s through time, regardless if they are billionaires, rock stars, or entrepreneurs, a majority of successful individuals seem as though they defeated the odds and rose from poverty or considered a “self-made man” (Gladwell, 2008, p. 18). Gladwell (2008) believes that “People don’t rise from nothing,” rather, every successful person owes some of their success to parentage and patronage (p. 19). While Gladwell states innate talent exists, he also deems each extraordinarily successful person has entertained hidden advantages and cultural legacies, which helped pave their path. Immense success is shaped merely by talent but also preparation, and the circumstances one is exposed to. …show more content…

Duckworth (2013) defines and explains grit as “Passion, perseverance, and stamina” she goes on to state that these characteristics or grit, “outweigh IQ as a predictor of success.” Based on Gladwell’s explanation of 10,000 hours of practice and the direct correlation to success, it can also be concluded that individuals that complete 10,000 hours of practice in their respective fields have passion and drive could also be described as

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