
Outsider Vs Piggy

Decent Essays

In the stories The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton and Lord of the Flies by William Golding, there is a common theme of the outsider. In both of these stories the theme of the outsider proves to be similar and different at the same time. Piggy from Lord of the Flies is an obvious outsider throughout the story. His asthma keeps him from doing activities with the rest of the boys on the island. He is also very fat which makes him useless when it comes to hunting and all of the other necessary things. Cherry, from The Outsiders is different than Piggy in many ways but is still an outsider. She is an outsider in the group of Socs, she thinks that Ponyboy is nice and cool, which is much different than the other Socs opinions. She realizes that she and

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