
Overpaid Athletes

Decent Essays

Paying Athletes A huge question in college sports today is whether or not the athletes should be paid. I say yes because today, sports and athletics in the NCAA draw in around $11 billion every year for the organization. Yet, with all of this cash flowing around, the players who make the organization work do not get to receive any money. Paying the athletes would raise their level of performance, and allow them to be happy with display their talents, and can take on the position of a full time job earning money. First, “Paying student athletes will raise the level of performance’’(Listland). The athletes could play harder and not have to stress about where their money will come from. Since athletes can’t work a job while playing …show more content…

These players earn money for the school by displaying their talents. ‘’Unfortunately most of the vast revenues taken in by collage athletics programs every year do not go directly to the classrooms of the university’’(Rivers). With all of that money generated by the players at least some of it should go towards the people earning the money. Some people argue that,’’ College athletes are not professionals and therefore should not be paid’’(Salvadore). They say athletes play at the college level and can further apply that experience at the professional level where they will be paid, just like everybody else. In professional sports you have to be the best of the best and you need to have worked at your sport since you were little. In conclusion, college athletes put a lot of time and energy into what they do, but end up coming out with no monetary. Not only do collages and the NCAA expect athletes to work hard in school, they also expect these athletes to perform on the field with the same efficiency. ‘’After all, Americans don’t spend $11 billion a year to watch men in suits make

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